God’s Word to God’s Men: A Biblical Perspective on 1 Timothy 3:1-7


Throughout history, God has called men to preach His Gospel and shepherd His people. The office of pastor is a high calling, and Scripture provides clear guidance on the qualifications and responsibilities of those who serve in this role. As we examine 1 Timothy 3:1-7, we will explore what it means to be a man of God in pastoral leadership.

1. The Pastor’s Call (1 Timothy 3:1)

A. A Handpicked Man

Paul describes the pastoral call as a "good work," one that requires a deep, God-given desire. True pastoral ministry is not chosen but divinely appointed (Jeremiah 1:5, Amos 7:14-15). A man called by God will have a compelling burden to preach and shepherd God’s people.

B. A Highly Privileged Man

The role of a pastor is one of great responsibility. Paul instructs Timothy that a pastor must faithfully preach the Gospel and teach sound doctrine (2 Timothy 4:1-5). The pastor’s duties include:

  1. Preparation – A commitment to study and correctly handle Scripture (2 Timothy 2:15).

  2. Passion – A love for God’s people, preaching the truth in love.

  3. Patience – Endurance through opposition and discouragement.

  4. Persistence – A steadfast commitment to the ministry, regardless of hardships.

2. The Pastor’s Character (1 Timothy 3:2-7)

Paul outlines specific qualifications for those in pastoral leadership. These traits are not optional but essential for a pastor’s integrity and effectiveness.

A. Personal Qualifications

  1. Blameless – Living above reproach, free from scandal.

  2. Husband of One Wife – Faithful in marriage and committed to biblical family values.

  3. Vigilant – Self-controlled and spiritually alert.

  4. Sober – Serious-minded and responsible in his conduct.

  5. Of Good Behavior – Living an orderly and disciplined life.

  6. Given to Hospitality – A welcoming spirit, open to ministering to others.

  7. Apt to Teach – Skilled in explaining and applying God’s Word.

  8. Not Given to Wine – Avoiding drunkenness and addiction.

  9. No Striker – Not quick-tempered or violent.

  10. Not Greedy of Filthy Lucre – Avoiding dishonest gain and financial corruption.

  11. Patient – Demonstrating gentleness and a willingness to listen.

  12. Not a Brawler – Avoiding unnecessary conflict.

  13. Not Covetous – Content with God’s provision and not driven by materialism.

B. Family Qualifications

The pastor’s home life is crucial to his leadership. He must:

  • Lead his household with wisdom and discipline.

  • Be respected by his wife and children.

  • Maintain a home that reflects his faith and character.

C. Church Qualifications

  1. Not a Novice – Spiritually mature and prepared for leadership.

  2. Having a Good Reputation – Respected both within and outside the church, maintaining a strong testimony before unbelievers.

3. The Pastor’s Relationship with His Congregation (1 Timothy 5:17-20)

A. Respect for God’s Men

The Bible teaches that pastors should be honored and supported (Hebrews 13:7, 17). Congregations should:

  • Follow their pastor’s leadership.

  • Avoid gossip and slander against their pastor.

  • Encourage and uplift their pastor in prayer and service.

B. Rewarding God’s Men

Churches are responsible for providing for their pastor’s needs (1 Corinthians 9:5-14). Faithful financial support allows pastors to dedicate themselves fully to ministry.

C. Refreshing God’s Men

Pastors face unique pressures and burdens. Congregations should support them by:

  1. Protecting Their Time – Allowing time for prayer and study.

  2. Praying for Them – Lifting up their needs before God.

  3. Paying Attention to Their Preaching – Valuing the teaching of God’s Word.

  4. Providing for Their Needs – Ensuring their well-being and financial stability.


The role of a pastor is a high and holy calling. God has set clear qualifications and expectations for those who shepherd His people. As churches, we must honor and support these men, and as pastors, we must strive to live lives that reflect the calling we have received. May we always seek to uphold God’s Word in pastoral ministry, ensuring that His church remains faithful and strong.

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